Sutter House
This Queen Anne style cottage was built circa 1887 for a Biloxi housepainter, Thomas E. Suter. Suter held dual residence in both Biloxi and New Orleans. His property originally stretched from the beach to Howard Avenue; however, he sold much of the land for building lots. The home initially faced Howard, but in the 1960s it was moved to its present location. The rich decorative detail, the bay window, and the wrap around porch are all typical of Queen Anne architecture. At some point, modern additions were made to the back, but the front maintains its original integrity.
Follow Tullier Court past the Suter house and the street becomes Joachim Place, which leads to Howard Avenue. Turn right (east) and travel on Howard for two tenths of a mile to the Bond-Grant House at 932 Howard Avenue (on the north). Note the example the examples of Queen Anne style homes that are interspersed along this section of Howard Avenue.