Live Oak Tree Art
When Hurricane Katrina came ashore on August 29, 2005, many of the magnificent live oak trees that helped define the natural beauty of Biloxi suffered damage and died. Rather than removing the trees and obliterating any evidence of their existence, “chainsaw artists,” Dayton Scroggins of Mississippi and Marline Miller of Fort Walton Beach, Florida transformed the trees into wondrous works of art. This tree art garden features beautifully carved oak-wood images of birds, animals, and sea life indigenous to the Gulf Coast region. This tree sculpture garden is an example of others that stand in the median along Highway 90 in Biloxi.
Continue west for two-tenths of a mile to Caldwell Avenue. Turn right (north) onto Caldwell, where there is a Biloxi Cemetery Entrance sign. Go one tenth of a mile and enter the cemetery. Small roads wind through the cemetery for exploration.