Seashore Methodist Campground and School

This land was wilderness in June of 1872, when Methodists from New Orleans built a tabernacle and some small “tents” or cottages, and held the first Seashore Methodist Campground meeting.  By 1873 the campground had become a regular train stop with its own station.  Methodists came from all over the south to enjoy camp meetings and other year-round activities.  Many built their own cottages, and there was much visiting between campground members and the locals in Biloxi. The campground was renamed Seashore Methodist Assembly in 1930.  Currently, it is a Methodist educational complex.


Campground School (on the southwest corner of Chalmers and Leggett Drive)


This two-story building, known as Van Hook Hall, opened as the campground school in 1910.  Named after its president, H. W. Van Hook, the private school’s curriculum included courses in modern and ancient languages, mathematics, history, science, music, art and expression.  The fees for day pupils were $3.00 to $6.00 per month.  Van Hook’s discipline was “firm but kind.”  It is the only original campground building that still exists.  Architecturally, the entrance porch is a Craftsman style structure with sturdy columns.  The cupola is reminiscent of the Colonial style.

Travel through the campground to Highway 90.  Turn right (west) onto Highway 90 and travel west for seven tenths of a mile to Acacia Avenue (the street before the playground).  Turn right onto Acacia and enter the Miramar subdivision.