Keegan Bayou
Keegan Bayou is a tidal marsh habitat that is about a half mile in length and is one to five feet deep. It was once a popular place for fishing and duck hunting. Hardwood trees near its terminus, tidal brackish marsh, and tidal salt marsh make up its vegetation. The primary marsh grass, Juncus roemerianus borders the bayou. The first bridge to span the bayou opened in 1949. Fifteen acres of land near its upper reaches were cleared in 1947 to build a high school (destroyed by Hurricane Katrina). Industrial use of the bayou began in the 1940s, when the Bayou Keegan Waste Water Treatment Facility was installed at its terminus. The facility has been periodically upgraded and is still in operation.
Turn around and go back to Caillavet Street. Turn right (south) onto Caillavet and travel six tenths of a mile to the signal light at the intersection of Division Street and Caillavet. Turn left (east) onto Division Street and go two tenths of a mile to Our Mother of Sorrows Catholic Church at 803 Division Street on the right.