Old Biloxi Cemetery
The Biloxi Cemetery’s location just west of the site of Fort Louis indicates that it may have been the burial place for the early French settlers. When Louis Fayard obtained a Spanish Land Grant for this area in 1784, the cemetery was part of it. His heirs deeded it to the town of Biloxi in1844. The oldest existing tombstone is French inscribed and bears an 1811 death date. Note the number of 19th century above ground monuments and barrel-vaulted crypts. These reflect the ties between Biloxi and New Orleans, where this type of interment is necessary due to the high water table. See the historical marker in the cemetery for additional information.
Return to Highway 90 and continue west and get into the right turn lane at the traffic signal just past the White House Hotel where a sign indicates Keesler Air Force Base. Turn right (north) onto White Avenue. Go two tenths of a mile to the entrance of Keesler. Access to the base is restricted, but a visitor’s center is located outside of the security check point on the right.